

OFFICE IS OPEN: 4 Days Expected
All staff are expected in the office on M/T/W/TH
Fridays are telework days until further notice

Open (Limited)
Open (Voluntary)
Open (4 Days Expected)


Current office protocols are listed below
(Any updates or changes will be shown in red)

Attendance: 4-Days

There may be situations where you are required to be in the office on a Friday. When this situation arises, you can include the day as one of your four days in the office for that week.

In addition, on occasion, if you are unable come in due to illness, injury, school event, or other emergency AND are able to work, you can work remotely or come in on a Friday for that week. Of course, if you are sick and unable to work you should take a sick day.


Flexible for all staff M/T/W/TH and will need to be approved by your manager and ELT representative. We have an expected work schedule of five days, 35 hours per week, and eight hours per day (includes one hour for lunch). If approved by your manager, you may reduce your work day 30 minutes by reducing your lunch hour to 30 minutes.
Start times on M/T/W/TH can vary from 7:00 AM-10:00 AM and end times from 3:00 PM-6:00 PM.

Office Attire

Business casual, no jeans or sneakers


Not required but will modify our practices as local guidance evolves

Restroom Capacity

No restrictions


We welcome visitors and onsite meetings and expect them need to follow the same protocols as our staff. The Carnegie point-of-contact must collect or confirm proof of vaccination for ALL visitors. If you are collecting the information, please send it to Paula Douglas. No visitors should be admitted without providing proof of vaccination.

Masks and social distancing are encouraged but not required. We will continue to follow local guidance. We will not be testing visitors but rapid tests continue to be available for visitors and employees upon request to HR or Office Services. Visitors should be reminded not to attend if they are sick.

Onsite Services

Catering, Office Services and IT are expected to be at full capacity on M/T/W/TH. Staff should not expect to have onsite services available on Mondays and Fridays. Convenings are also limited to M/T/W/TH.


Domestic + International is travel permitted, but possible airline and destination restrictions should be evaluated before departure. After traveling, we ask that you take an at-home rapid COVID-19 test and test negative before returning to the office. Rapid tests are available from HR or Office Services.


Beginning April 15, 2022, we will require all current and future employees to be vaccinated. We strongly encourage all of our staff to follow local agency guidance regarding getting booster shots, if eligible.

Exposure to COVID-19

If you or a family member, living in your home, test positive, please notify HR and quarantine for a minimum of 5 days or until the infected person is fever-free for at least 48 hours, whichever is later. After notifying HR of your situation, you will be asked to work remotely while you are quarantining. If you have tested positive but are unable to quarantine, please submit a negative PCR test to HR before returning to the office.

If you or a family member come in contact with someone, outside your home, who tests positive for COVID-19, whether or not you have symptoms, please take an at-home rapid test. Rapid tests are available in HR or in Office Services. If negative, carry on with normal activities. If positive, please ask your medical provider about scheduling a PCR test to confirm.

Covid Case Communication

During the OPEN status and according to local agency guidance, HR will notify employees via email of a positive COVID case within our staff. The notification will include the positive test date, the department impacted, and the person's last day in the office. If employees are concerned about exposure, they are encouraged to take a rapid test available in HR or Office Services. To respect employees' privacy, HR will not share the name of the employee who tested positive. If you test positive and know you were in close contact with a colleague, you are encouraged, not required, to share the possible exposure with them.